What is CiteCount?
CiteCount is a web application that provides an accurate word count without in-text citations from your text.
CiteCount has helped 10k+ IB students and researchers to count words, boosting their productivity and efficiency. Read on to take advantage of features offered by CiteCount to enhance your workflow.
CiteCount's architecture is built as a client-side JavaScript application. This means that all processing occurs directly in the user's browser, eliminating the need to send documents to external servers. Client-side processing ensures your documents never leave your device.
CiteCount automatically detects and exclude in-text citations in MLA, APA, and Chicago formats, for an accurate word count. View a list of your citations and select the ones you'd like to include by clicking Citations.
CiteCount's word count algorithm is meticulously crafted, giving you the most precise results. Our word counts are more accurate and reliable than mainstream word-processing softwares, such as Microsoft Word and Google Docs.
* According to internal research data.
You can import your documents in .doc, .docx, or .pdf to CiteCount via drag-and-drop. Importing the file is completely done on your device and not sent to any servers.
With CiteCount's offline support, you can work on the go without a connection to the internet, as our algorithms are run locally on your device.
Select counters that matters the most to you. Customise in the Settings menu.
CiteCount automatically saves every word you enter, giving you a peace of mind. Your text is saved locally in your browser. You may disable AutoSave in the Settings menu.
Stunning editing experience with automatic theme switching based on system preferences.
Customise citation styles, batch processing capabilities, batch generate word counts and citation reports, and more.
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International Baccalaureate and IB are registered trademarks owned
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CiteCount has been developed independently from and is not
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